Go Get'em Foundation

Andrew Dodson Pulaski County Youth Development Fund


Andrew lived life to its fullest. Whether a sport, church activity, or school trip, #80 was always ready to "go get'em!" That phrase was the mantra of his life. His family used it to challenge one another to seize an opportunity. He adopted it and often encouraged others to "go get'em!" It was the last thing his father told him in a text on March 31, 2023. 

Although his time on earth was cut short, his legacy will live on. His foundation will help certain youth of his home county in Kentucky, "Go get'em!" Through a simple application and decision process, the foundation will provide resources for Pulaski County youth who need assistance with league fees, church and school trips, sports safety equipment, etc. Go Get'em will empower and support young people by expanding their access to education, sports, and spiritual development. Through partnerships and dedicated support, the foundation will create a brighter future for the youth of Pulaski County, ensuring they can pursue their dreams and positively impact their community. 

“Life's too short to not say your I love yous” -Andrew Dodson 




All Donations go to the Andrew Dodson Go Get'em Foundation in memory of Andrew Dodson. 

Go Get'em, Inc. is a Kentucky nonprofit charity. Checks can be made to the foundation and mailed to: 
103 Gentry Lane
Somerset, KY 42501

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Andrew Graham Dodson's Go Get'em Foundation exists to help the youth of Pulaski County, Kentucky, access educational opportunities, sports activities, and spiritual development and to increase awareness and use of safety initiatives in youth sports.

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Upcoming Events

January 27, 2024
Andrew's 18th Birthday

We are partnering with Somerset Chick-fil-a on Andrew's 18th Birthday! Come on out and mention Andrew or Go Get'em & a portion of your purchase will help support the foundation. Come on out & celebrate Andrew's 18th Birthday with us! 
